2019-2020 Annual Catalog Paper Share
Paper Shares are a great way to purchase a wide variety of designer series paper without investing in 14 full packs. I purchase the paper and then divide and cut it down into shares.
My paper share is focusing on making cards. Rather than the traditional 6×6 paper shares that most demonstrators offer I have sized mine as 4×6 shares. This makes it quick and easy to start making cards right away, there is less waste for your beautiful Designer Series Paper, and it keeps the cost lower for my customers. You will receive a total of 87 pieces! Combine with the card stock share and you will have coordinating card bases to get you on your way to quickly creating.
Each pattern of DSP is packaged in separate clear bags and labeled with the name.
Designer Series Paper Share ~ 87 pieces!! (cut at 4”x6”) $27.50 including tax and shipping
6 pieces each of Bird Ballad, Come Sail Away, Dinoroar, Follow Your Art, Garden Lane, Magnolia Lane,
Pressed Petals, See a Silhouette and Woven Threads
6 pieces each of Specialty Designer Series Paper Mosaic Mood and Noble Peacock
12 pieces of Perennial Essence DSP
3 pieces of Noble Peacock Foil Paper
6 pieces of Perennial Essence Vellum
Designer Series Paper Share plus Card Stock Share $50 including tax and shipping
All of the items listed in the Designer Series Paper Share plus….card stock precut into 87 card bases (cut at 4.25”x11”} that coordinate with the designer series paper to make it even quicker to create!
- Bonus #1 ~ PDF tutorial of 6 card layouts highlighting the beautiful DSP and exclusive private access to a video tutorial.
- Bonus #2 ~ 1 yard of each of the new in color ribbons
Double Share DSP ~ 174 pieces!! (cut at 4” x 6”) $50 including tax and shipping
Do you really love your DSP? Select this Double Share. This is double of everything included in the Designer Series Paper share at less than double the price!
- Bonus #1 ~ PDF tutorial of 6 card layouts highlighting the beautiful DSP and exclusive private access to a video tutorial.
- Bonus #2 ~ 1 yard of each of the new in color ribbonsio
How to Reserve Your Share:
Email me directly at paperstampink@gmail.com.
include the following information in your email:
1. Full Name
2. Mailing Address (US only)
3. Indicate which share(s) you would like to reserve
4. Email address for Paypal invoicing **Note you
do not need to have a Paypal account to pay this invoice. When you receive the invoice it will include
instructions on how to pay via debit or credit card if you prefer.
Paper Share Schedule
- Invoices will be sent by May 31st.
- Payment must be received by June 3rd.
- Order will be placed June 4th (the first day available for ordering)
- Items will arrive to me and I will prepare them for shipping
- Shares will be mailed to you via priority mail by June 20th (assuming no backorders from SU!)
Paper Shares are Limited
Paper shares are limited. These are very popular so please reserve early. Your share is not confirmed until payment is made. As one share fills I will open another based on demand.
Please email me at paperstampink@gmail.com.
I look forward to sharing these beautiful papers with you and showcasing many projects over the next weeks.